QuantSense v2.3.1 [August 19 2021] ======================= - Meta Trader 5 imports improvements - Automatic pip size computation depending on decimal places value in the Instrument screen (user request) - UI Fixes - Libraries update QuantSense v2.3.0 [March 8 2021] ======================= - Meta Trader 5 reports import support added - QuantSense .csv import added - Libraries updates QuantSense v2.2.0 [May 16 2020] ======================= - Statprogress chart normalization added - Libraries updates QuantSense v2.1.3 [July 09 2019] ======================= - StrategyTester report can be imported in some other languages than English. Still, English version is preferred. QuantSense v2.1.2 [February 19 2019] ======================= - another trade import improvement (trade comment processing improved for some brokers - comments containing commas were not processed properly) QuantSense v2.1.1 [December 2 2018] ======================= - performance optimization - trade import improvement (trade comment processing improved for some brokers) QuantSense v2.1.0 [August 19 2018] ======================= - filter your trades using the part of trade note text - UI fixes QuantSense 2 (for Windows 10) v2.0.0 [April 3 2018] ======================= - core remake to follow Universal Windows Platform technology (Windows 10 only version) - UI changes QuantSense v1.10.6 (for Windows 8.x) [February 6 2018] ======================= - crash in Screenshots fixed, some additional UI tweaks in Screenshots page and dialog - crash during the import of MT4 strategy tester results with an open trade fixed QuantSense v1.10.5 [January 9 2018] ======================= - Reported crash in Stats progress page fixed: when the page was opened for the first time with already selected accounts in trade navigator, it crashed. - The stats progress chart refresh added after the stats selectiong changed. QuantSense v1.10.4 [December 9 2017] ======================= - Strategy Tester input parsing crash with wrong source file fixed - Numerous UI improvements - Core upgrades QuantSense v1.10.3 [October 21 2017] ======================= - Report crash when no account selected fixed - Report design corrected in case the selection returned an empty set of trades - Benchmark crashed in case there were no qutoes for selected date interval - fixed - Instrument description formatting corrected QuantSense v1.10.2[July 17 2017] ======================= - fixed a problem with a dialog for picking the destination account during trade copying from one account to another. With more than 7 accounts the dialog did not scroll properly and went beyond the screen borders so the buttons were not visible. - fixed a bug causing app to close when SL/TP optimisation was run without any parameters QuantSense v1.10.1[March 20 2017] ======================= - A set of new stats concerning a trade duration implemented. QuantSense v1.9.4[February 24 2017] ======================= - Long/Short filter activation indication added to report - Small bug fixes QuantSense v1.9.3[January 15 2017] ======================= - Bug fix: Some crashes during startup has been reported. It should be fixed in this version. QuantSense v1.9.2[January 11 2017] ======================= - Bug fix: After creating an account in Accounts screen the Account list was not updated although the accoutnwas created correctly. Fixed. - UI enhancements QuantSense v1.9.1[January 09 2017] ======================= - sorting implemented for trade list in TRades screen - sorting implemented for account operations list in Accounts screen - trades can be exported into a .csv file (UTF-8 emcoding, ";" separated) in the Trades screen - debugging info sending implemented (no trading data is sent, just events in the application). Can be turned of in App Settings if having the premium upgrade. QuantSense v1.8.5[October 28 2016] ======================= - filter allowing to filter trades according to a position type (long or short). User request. - bug fix: Account overview was not displaying anything in some cases. - bug fix: Crash on Benchmark screen solved. QuantSense v1.8.4[October 9 2016] ======================= - a crash when sharing in some screens was fixed - database reset and the first creation of database during the app startup was modified. There was a report of crash during the first startup. I am not sure if I can fix this - there can be an access rights issue there on specific devices. - The account overview in Dashboard is now ignoring the open trades in the computation. - Links to YouTube video tutorials added to the main menu and to About screen - UI Tweaks QuantSense v1.8.3[September 27 2016] ======================= - UI tweaks: the first steps in the app should be easier now, creating an account and importing of trades into the empty account are offered automatically in special cases - UI tweaks: some navigation problems have been solved (like returning to a trade screen of a trade when its account was deleted) - Deleting of an instrument implemented. There is a check if the instrument is referenced in some trade(s). If yes, it can not be deleted. Otherwise it is deleted including all its quotes. - Checks during the first start of the app added. QuantSense v1.8.2[September 19 2016] ======================= - minor UI tweaks: Adding new account is now done using the popup window, not in separate screen. Popup windows color changed. - bugfix: reported crash when no account is selected in Benchmark analysis and an instrument is selected - bugfix: "Please select an account" announcement was displayed in Dashboard if account was selected but no instrument was selected. QuantSense v1.8.1[September 7 2016] ======================= - Screenshots upgrade added - add any number of chart screenshots to your trade record. Screenshot can be of .png or .jpg format and it can be described by date, time and a note. - A new file format for data export/import introduced (extension .zqs). Older file fromat (.qxd) is supported and it will be supported int the future versions as well. Since v1.8 QuantSense will backup your data into the .zqs file only. .qxd is no longer produced since this version. - Small bug fixes QuantSense v1.7.2[April 26 2016] ======================= - The way the date interval is processed in benchmark page changes. If not entered, tje time span of selected trade set is taken into the computation of benchmark values - Some bugs fixed in benchmark analysis page. Crashes were reported when no date interval was selected in some cases. - Forum link removed from Help page. QuantSense v1.7.1[April 11 2016] ======================= - Benchmark analysis implemented - Small design changes in trade record form - A few bug fixes QuantSense v1.6.5[February 28 2016] ======================= - Some bugs fixes concernig the manual trade edit. - Forum link removed from the app. QuantSense v1.6.3[August 19 2015] ======================= - Due to some changes in the communication between the system and the store a message saying "It seems you are offline ..." appeared during startup of the app. After clicking OK, everything was working normally. Problem fixed in this version. QuantSense v1.6.2[August 15 2015] ======================= - Bug fix: Deposits and withdrawals not shown in Common stats in Dashboard screen QuantSense v1.6.1[August 2 2015] ======================= - SL/TP and Volume optimization tool added to Analysis section. - Test for imported quotes implemented, QuantSense now checks if imported quotes have desired time frame. - Candlestick chart shows date and time - Bug fix: it was possible to create an Account without a name and currency. Both parameters are mandatory now. - Bug fix: If there is no data for histogram the previous chart was displayed but histogram remained selected in the menu. - Bug fix: when empty report attempted to export application crashed. Button now disabled if there is no data to export. - UI Tweaks: some progress bars added to indicate long running processes. Some of them are cancelable. QuantSense v1.5.1[May 6 2015] ======================= - Market quotes import support (beta for Premium only) - Estimation of min and max values of your positions based on market quotes (beta for Premium only) - Data backup/recovery feature added to 'Unlimited accounts' upgrade. It will work for all current owners of the upgrade. - Multiple devices sync using Microsoft service turned off due to possible troubles. It will happen during the first app start after the upgrade to v1.5.1. A message will appear so you will know that it has been turned off. - Bug fix: Reports - Custom period for profit chart when set to 'n' days was computing the chart in a per trade way not cumulative. - Bug fix: Accounts page: D/W balance was not updating when changing the selection of the accounts in some cases. - numerous UI tweaks QuantSense v1.4.0[April 5 2015] ======================= - Premium upgrade, for the first time I offer all upgrades (current and the future ones as well) in one pack. Just buy once and get everything I will ever implement. The price of premium pack will go higher with every new upgrade I implement in the future. - Reports upgrade, QuantSense can now generate a report with customizable content and design. It allows you to compare trades in your accounts, hide your absolute profits and other interesting features. For more details see http://qs.lubotorok.com/upgrades/reports.html?or=chlog - NOTE: Data backup/recovery feature will come in version 1.5. Thanks to more requests it is a priority now. - performance optimization: trade set selection should be much faster in some cases - fixed bug: wrong computation of prev. balance occured in a special case when more accounts are selected and the resulting set is filtered in such way that trades from one account only are used for computation. The algorithm then misses the reference to the other account and all its transactions. - UI improvment: in the Analysis/Stats Progress, the stat selection screen now remembers the previous selection of stats and shows currently selected stats. A "Clear" button added for clearing the current selection. On 3K displays, 2 rows of available stats should be shown now. - Bugfix: In account screen when switching between accounts in Chart View mode, previous chart remained displayed. QuantSense v1.3.1[January 9 2015] ======================= - bugfix: Occasionally a wrong selection of trades has been made when more trade accounts has been selected and the date filter activated. It caused incorrect computation of previous balance amount in the Common stats section for example. QuantSense v1.3.0 [January 6 2015] ======================= - a Stats Progress upgrade available in the QuantSense store inside the app. Pick any of more than 40 stats computed by QuantSense and display it in the chart in any time granularity: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, in a specified number of days or in a specified number of trades. In this chart you can analyze any number of stats at once and see any correlation between them or just evaluate if your last changes in the trading had some effect on various aspects of your trading. For example if you changed the amount of risk for a position three months ago here you can display net profit, average loss and drawdown in a weekly granularity to see the effect of your changes on trades closed after you made this decision. - a global overview of all your accounts added to the dashboard screen. Note that this overview is independent from the selection in trade navigator. - new stats added: - short/long positions count, short positions win percentage, long position win percentage - Profit/Avg.Loss, a ratio showing how much you earned/lost comparing your average loss. If this ratio is 4.5 for example, it means that you are "winning" by 4.5 times your average lost. - relative profit in percent computed relative to the balance current just before the first trade of the selected set. - Profit/Draw Down, a ratio showing how much you have earned comparing to your worst streak in a selected set of trades. If this ratio is less than 1 for example it means, that if the similar streak of losses will occur again you will loose everything you have earned so far. - A "Select/Unselect All" button added to the Trades screen, for easier manipulation with all trades in an account. - An "All trades" checkbox added to Navigation panel to allow a quick selection and unselection of all trade accounts. - Navigation panel updated - now you can select trades from any account(s) made on a selected instrument or all instruments. For example, you can select 3 accounts from 5 and from these accounts only those trades made on EURUSD. Additionally, you can filter this set of trades by a date interval. - A red line indicating the zero value added to some charts - A "Pips" word changed to "Ticks" in all occurencies in the app. - Fixed occasional wrong computation of Net profit(%). - Fixed bug when consecutive wins or losses were not computed at all. Changed labels of these items in UI. - Fixed bug: when there was an open trade in one import and the same trade was closed in the following import and no other trades have been made between that two imports, the trade was not closed (it remained in the previous state). - Now restart of the app should not be needed after purchasing an upgrade. This is quite hard to test so let me know if any problems with purchasing occur. - Fixed bug: min/max values were not displayed in the Trade record screen. - Date filtering changed, a trade closed on the day of the lower bound of the filter was not selected into the trade set sometimes. - Bug fixed: In the Account screen with many accounts and scrolling activated the border of the component was not drawn properly. - Various UI tweaks. QuantSense v1.2.0 [November 2 2014] ======================= - replaces the LOG version in Windows Store - QuantSense store implemented for in app purchases - UnlimitedAccounts upgrade implemented - default account limit raised to 2 - added import of MetaTrader's strategy tester output - added Quick start; when started for the first time, it can download and fill a demo data so that users can check the most of app functionality right away - start tile is updated with last charts drawn by QuantSense and with reminder of unread news (if there are any) - UI tweaks - Accounts screen: added button 'Add transaction' to the bottom menu - Progress screen: after a long running operation is finished, a 'Close' button appears QuantSense LOG v1.1.0 [September 25 2014] ======================= - a first version of the app enters Windows Store